Literary Translations

As a translator of Italian literature since 2001, I have published novels, short stories, and collections of essays with both American and British publishing companies. My translations have won prizes and have been reviewed in major newspapers and magazines.

I studied Italian at Middlebury College, the University of California at Berkeley, the Università di Firenze, and Columbia University, but truly learned the language by living in Italy. I have spoken about translation at professional conferences and am involved with the American Literary Translators Association and PEN American Center. In 2018 I taught a graduate-level translation theory and practice class at Middlebury Summer Language Programs, and in 2019 I attended Breadloaf Translation Workshop in Vermont.

For information about translations from Italian to English, please use the contact form or send me an email.



Erminia Dell'Oro (forthcoming from Héloïse Press in 2024)

My Paths Under Snow

A short story by Mario Rigoni Stern (New England Review 45.2, with Marla Moffa)

The Passenger: Rome

Articles by Marco D'Eramo, Matteo Nucci, Letizia Muratori, Francesco Piccolo (Iperborea, 2021)


Tullio Pericoli (a selection of essays appeared in NYRB Online, 2019)